I got into this work because I watched the terrible burden on my Grandmother’s emotional health as she went from being able to easily walk down the street to the grocery store, to having trouble getting to the mailbox and back, to having to really work and strain just to make it to the kitchen or the bathroom, and I swore that I was going to find some way of keeping others from having to live that same story. Then I found the Feldenkrais Method ®. I’ve been using the Feldenkrais Method® to help those who strain to achieve their goals, and for those whose goal is simply to live a life that is free from pain, stress, or anxiety.
The Feldenkrais Method ® is a powerful and revolutionary approach to improving your life that uses gentle, mindful movement to bring new awareness and possibility into every aspect of your life. Developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, the Feldenkrais Method has helped millions of people worldwide.