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Real Results from Real People

I've been doing virtual sessions for about a year. I've been doing group classes, and have had one private session. For the uninitiated, it's a class on movement, movement mechanics, and feeling exactly what your body is doing, and both a combination of accepting how your body wants to move and improving how you move.
In that time, I've seen my posture improve, my gait become more efficient, and a couple small aches and pains drop away. My efficiency in movement for martial arts has increased as well.

John Dickens, Lexington KY

I was experiencing anxiety when getting behind the wheel and lower back pain while sitting in the driver’s seat. The emotional distress I attributed to my age and the physical discomfort to my sway-back. After working with Russ, I am driving more confidently and without back discomfort. Finding other ways of using myself has had a profound impact on, not only my performance behind the wheel, but the way I view myself and my capacity to learn new ways of being and doing.  Thank you Russ.

Linda Kemp, Dallas

5k yesterday, and then fenced olympic tonight. While my legs might be tired, they're not in pain, and that is a 1000% improvement from how these two usually go. On top of the stride improvements, my legs strained WAY less to hit the same distance as usual, while doing it faster.. and my sciatic pain my in my hip actually went away when i kept the mechanics that Russ taught me

Super happy with the results after just one session and extremely excited to dive into the next.

Nickolys "Chip" Hinton, Enola PA

Russ is the rehab guru. He has a fabulous understanding of body mechanics. I've taken several seminar style classes with him and work with him weekly stay in top shape for Armored Combat. I literally could not compete at the level my team requires with out his help.

Charlie Brumfield, Mesquite

Two years ago I was growing stiffer and less mobile. Now I feel like I’m moving better than most of my peers, and sometimes those kids I saber fight with actually have to work hard to defend themselves from me! I really like being able to move this comfortably again. I wish I’d discovered Russ and Irving Feldenkrais sooner.

Kevin Flach, Grand Prairie

Russ has helped me with better body mechanics in my work & recreational activities, which require alot stamina & physical labor. I'm able to perform more efficiently & become more aware of unnecessary tension I had previously been creating for  myself. I'm more relaxed & noto exhausted at the end of the day.

Derek Cornelius, Oak Cliff

Took a 30-minute session with Russ concerning my walking form and anxiety last year. After two weeks of working on the techniques every day, my anxiety is notably less. Specifically I had one pair of shoes that were giving me a lot of trouble and I can now wear them with very little ill effect. Incredibly grateful for that class!

Felicity Kiser, Jacksboro

As a lifelong dedicated klutz, I’ve always wanted to do cool things but been hampered by, you know, not being able to. I’m not quite a jedi master yet, and sometimes I still fight with anxiety, but … I can run and fight and do cool stuff, and I don’t have to steel myself for half the morning before making a phone call.

Kat Laurange, Grand Prairie

“Russ taught at November Steel, and I watched him work with the attendees. Using this method, Russ was able to diagnose problems with a glance and work towards fixing them in minutes.

Anthony Buonoma, Austin

My per-mile time has dropped by 25%

Lisa Strykowski, Mesquite

I mopped the kitchen and my daughter was surprised. But I told her, if my feet work, so does the rest of me! So I can mop my own floor again.

Carol Forbes, Hurst

My back and knees don’t hurt anywhere near as to what they would prior. It’s made a significant impact.

Coleman Franchek, Arlington

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